Geronimo Stilton #5: The Volcano of Fire

Book Name: Geronimo Stilton #5: The Volcano of Fire
Genre: Adventure
Author: Geronimo Stilton
Age reading: 5 - 13
Star rating: 5/5
It is Geronimo's Birthday and he has just arrived at work and there is a whole lot of letters on his desk, But there is one that catches his eye. It is a letter that has three words on it and they say... Important, Emergence and Read now. He opens the letter and it says a massage so he ran from work Past his dad and to the shop to get the stuff he needs to have for the Adventure. 
If you want to know more you need to read the book because I don't want to spoil it for you.


  1. I love how you said it catch his eyes. From Tristan

  2. Byron
    As Bubbles looks out of the window on this grey day an adventure would be pretty cool. I was wondering if Geronimo's father has set this up as he ran right past his dad. To prickle my curiosity further could this adventure take place in 2014 in NZ? Bubbles and godparent


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