Narrative - The Kiwi

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WALT: Show Not Tell

As the night grew darker and the clouds disappeared, two brothers (Byron and Tristan) were out sleeping in the backyard. They were playing spotlight when they heard a noise up in the bush. They listen again to see if it would get louder. It did.
They grabbed a Flashlight and started to chase it up the hill. They came to a dead end and then thought about where could it of gone.They went back down and cleaned themselves and then fell asleep.

The next night they chucked some bread out and hid in the tent. When they heard the bush rattle again they stayed quiet as possible so they wouldn't scare it away. When they heard it eating the bread they shone the light on it.

“IT”S A KIWI.” Byron whispered

They quickly grabbed it by it’s legs but when they tried to grab the other leg they found out that it was missing it’s second leg. Byron and Tristan stayed up all night feeding it bread and looking after it. When the sun came out they rushed inside and asked if they can take the Kiwi to the vet so it can get check if it’s leg came off by sickness or a trap.

5 Minutes later they made it to the vet and the instant the veterinarian saw the one legged Kiwi she came and carefully took it out of Byron’s hand and took it straight to a room to examine it. They said that we had to wait outside for about 7 - 10 minutes. The noise stopped and the door opened. They came out and the Kiwi was asleep and guess what it came out with, with a plastic leg.

The Kiwi woke up a few minutes late and it started to walk around in the backyard. It started to call for food so we gave it some. After a few minutes later it wanted to go back up the bush. We took it up and then released it. Before it ran away to it’s family it came back and nudged him in the leg. We gave it some bread and said goodbye and then it ran away.
That night before they went to bed they went outside and put some bread and milk out and then wait for him to come.



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