Game Platform Evaluation

I think learning with cognitive games is fun because it challenges your mind in a different way to how other games challenge your mind. It makes you mind think differently and act differently when it learns when you play the game.

My first exposure to creating a VR product was different because everything in here was different to other apps. In here can make yourself move around differently to other games and it is fun. The way to make it is different  because it looks different in the way it moves and acts.I built an outside school where you can go anywhere and you will see someone doing something.
Gamestar Mechanics:
Gamestar Mechanics is an interactive and fun way to learn about making games. It has different ways to learn how to make a game and it is also fun to play it because you make your way through the game learning how to edit a world and how to beat the world. You have an option on going on a quest and also make your own quest. The game gives you an illusion that it is 3D but it is 2D. You can make the gravity work against you or with you. You can also make the enemies hurt you badly or just hit you.
On this platform I find it really easy to make your level that you want to make because it is a click and drop and with that it makes it that much easy to make it. It shows you how to change the level if you don’t know how to change it. And then if you want to change the whole platform from one thing to any other it allows you to do it. I am making one of the games you usually play, get from one side of the map to the other without falling into something you can’t get out of.

Unity is a cross platform game engine developed by their company which is usually used to develop both 3D and 2D video games for computers, consoles, and mobile devices all round. They make fun games like Never Alone where you run around as a 2D character (but it looks 3D) and you try and find different things to help you on your way with a fox.
Image result for unity
Sphero EDU:
Sphero EDU works via bluetooth from your tablet/Ipad and it connects to a small robot. It can be used for educational purposes and also just for fun. The Sphero ball will always keep itself up right and this means that if it hits itself and it can’t get off it will just rotate itself into a good position.

Image result for sphero
Using this it is fun because you learn how to code and if it your coding doesn’t work one way it will work some other way that makes it fun. It runs on a black line that you could of drawn or you could of got from a sticker or you could program it, and then to make it do things on the line all you do is add in specific lines with different colours and that will make it dance or go faster or go slower.
Image result for ozbot
I am now moving onto Unity to use the coding to make my own game. I chose Unity because I found that it would help me and be easier to use when I make a game because it uses actual coding.


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