Research Skills

In English we had to find a research topic, the category that we had was First In The World. We went from there and started thinking. At the start we got into groups and wrought down some things that we wanted to find out. Then from there we took one and started researching and my topic was "What was the first movie director and actor?" And this is the reason why I chose it.

Who was the first movie star and the first movie director?

I chose this topic because I've always been interested in movies and how they started.  I’ve always found it interesting by how it has evolved over a small amount of time, how they have gone from black and white and with no sound to colour, sound and special effects that you swear looks real and not fake. So I am going to research who had the honour to be the first movie star and the first person to direct a movie.

After that we had to find the difference between a good and trustworthy website to a website that will give you false information. Then after that we had to use our knowledge of a good and bad website to find out some sub topics  that went off of our big question and what information we got off of that.
Google search combination:
Image of results:
Example of a site which was useful that I found in this search:
First movie director
First actor
First movie
First play
In another class (Global studies) we had are doing another research project on globalisation and we have to use what we have learnt in English to help us research and gain information that is correct. It is helping because know we know what to look for in a website that will have the right info to a website that won't.


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