A day of a life in Grey Main School

-We are aloud to come onto the playground.

9.00 -Bell rings to come into the class and do wordstudy.

9.15 -We get milk.

9.30 -We read and do activities that connect with reading.

10.00 -We write in our writing books or on the blog.

10.40 -We have morning tea for 20 minutes.

11.00 -Then we do our basic facts for 2 minutes and then we asses it.

11.15 - We do maths until lunch.

12.30 - We have our lunch.

1.30 - End of lunch.

1.40 - Art, ICT or blogging.

3.00 - We all go home when we hear the bell ring.


  1. Hi Byron my name is Ayual in Mr Page class.
    Why do you guy have milk in the morning?


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