
On Thursdays at 6.30 I go to Cubs. At Cubs we do many activities.Our theme is All About Challenge. Here is the roster.

On the first day the leaders show us how to do lots of different knots and they also tell us the meaning of it.
My favourite knot is the Bow Line because it saves people when they have fallen down a hole.
In week 2 we visited the police station and everyone was so happy, BUT when we got locked into the sell they wanted to go back to their car and go home but when we got out we just had to go with the flow and carry on.
In week 3 we done shadow puppets. We used our hands and we made our on puppets out of cardboard and pipe cleaners. The sixes (That i'm in) weren't doing it it because we had to plan what we were going to do on sixes night.
In week 4 we done the town trail hunt where we had to find out stuff and then we had to go to agents that were hiding anywhere and give them what we had and then we would get the next clue.

 We still need to do lots of other activities until the end of the term and then we do lots of other exciting activities.


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