Everything Potion

Are you getting sick of dreaming to do anything you want to. Well stop your blabbering and buy the everything potion.
What is a everything potion,
An everything potion is the most strongest potion in the world. If you want it to work you need to think of something that you want and then pour some down your throat. In 5 seconds the potion will react and then you got your wish.

  1. A tablespoon of BLOOD
  3. FIRE
  4. A colren full of Lava
  5. A cup of Acid
  6. 1 death apple
  7. A bowl
  8. Reasonably sized potion bottle

How to make it:
  • Cut the death apple in half and then put it into the bowl

  • Pour all the acid into the the bowl and then mix them together until it turns brown

  • Put the fire into another bowl and then add the tablespoon of blood

  • pour the death apple bowl into the blood bowl if it doesn't turn burgundy then stir until it is.

  • add a teaspoon of lava and a cup of death essence and stir for 5 minutes.

  • Finally bake it in the oven for 10 minutes then put it in the reasonably sized potion bottle so it is half full

  • Wait until it goes purple and then put in then put it into the fridge until it goes green.

  • Get it out and then leave in the sun for 5 - 10 minutes.

  • Then it is ready to drink.


Feb 24, 2015 12:13:34 PM.jpg
If you drink it all at once the Side effects may Turn you into this!

This Potion Was Made By Riley And Byron


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