Main Stars 101 things to do in the Holidays

  1. Go for a walk.
  2. Go to a friends house.
  3. Invite a friend to your house for a play.
  4. Go for a sleepover.
  5. Go to the park.
  6. Go to a different place in NZ.
  7. Do work around the house.
  8. Go swimming.
  9. Read some books.
  10. Write a story.
  11. Go to the beach.
  12. Go fishing.
  13. Have a family game day.
  14. Go to the gym.
  15. Have a family outing.
  16. Go camping.
  17. Eat Asian food.
  18. Try new food.
  19. Learn new things.
  20. Create something.
  21. Go to a different country.
  22. Cook the food.
  23. Help charities.
  24. Donate money to charities.
  25. Have a pillow fight.
  26. Go on a camp.
  27. Do a crossword puzzle.
  28. Make a game up.
  29. Go clothe shopping.
  30. Adopt a pet.
  31. Take your pet for a walk.
  32. Visit your family.
  33. Visit friends in different parts of NZ.
  34. Play on a device.
  35. Play a sport.
  36. Play ruff and tuff with your brother or sister.
  37. Sleep in.
  38. Go to bed late.
  39. Make your own honey.
  40. Travel NZ.
  41. Ern pocket money.
  42. Redecorate your house.
  43. Walk around town.
  44. Watch movies.
  45. Watch the news.
  46. Try and do some experiments.
  47. Do a Fondue.
  48. Go spot lighting.
  49. Have a outdoor BBQ.
  50. Make stick bread.
  51. Go to a market and buy something.
  52. Watch a movie at the regent theater
  53. Whittle a stick.
  54. Go to Nelson.
  55. Punch a fish.
  56. Bake a cake.
  57. Hanging out with your mates.
  58. Send a email.
  59. Go to space.
  60. Sleep outside.
  62. Hang out with Dad.
  63. Hang out with Mum.
  64. Hang out with your brother or sister
  65. Plant some strawberries
  66. Plant something edible
  67. Interview someone
  68. Dress up
  69. Play cops and robbers
  70. Play in the snow
  71. Build a volcano
  72. Play baseball
  73. Watch a rugby game live
  74. Update your blog
  75. Go to Auckland
  76. Drive a people mover
  77. Drink milk
  78. Do the ice challenge
  79. Go skiing
  80. Go snowboarding
  81. Go spotlighting
  82. Listen to music
  83. Act dumb
  84. Be smart
  85. Paint yourself Camo
  86. Change your hair colour
  87. Go on the Devil's Punchbowl walk in Authors
  88. Help a kid with maths
  89. Build your own dinosaur
  90. Go bush bashing
  91. Go crazy
  92. Started a band
  93. Create music
  94. By a Chromebook
  95. By a Tablet
  96. Do a science experiment
  97. Read a lot of books
  98. Go to Russia
  99. Go fly fishing
  100. HAVE FUN
  101. Do a 101 things to do in the holiday


  1. what a list. I like number 7. where was the one for working in the garden.


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