In the dark


As we look through the window our hope turned into shock. We started running away from the window. It just Zachary, Reid, Riley.F, Riley.L and I, (Byron) were hiding for our lives because outside the old Castle was monsters coming to get us. We don’t know why but all we know is that we have to hide. It was a dark and stormy night, thunder was cackling like mad and the lightning was lighting up the place.

We see something in the distance, Then when lightning flashed it was gone. When we looked we saw a lot of hair all over Riley .F and he was going really long nails. Something had happened to him when we weren’t looking. He started howling and then he transformed into a Werewolf.  Riley .F jumped at us then ran away to the other monsters.

We ran off to hide. We suddenly heard noises coming after us so we started sprinting and we split off down 4 different hallways. I ran and found a big hall with 3 other exits but then Riley .L, Reid and Zachary came through them. There was a big hole in the floor. Reid heard the monsters coming so he jumped down and we went after him. Reid had landed in a big blob of goop. He started walking out and when he did his legs turned green and then his whole body did. He started to get smaller and then he was a huge goo monster. Reid tried to attack us but he missed and we sprinted for our life.

It was just Riley .L, Zachary and Byron running for our lives in an abandoned castle, in the middle of the night, when thunder is banging and lightning is lighting up the place and monsters crawling around the place and they’re looking for us. We find  the a huge bedroom and shove lots of things to barricade the door so nothing can get in. We can hear the monsters coming so we find places to hide. Zachary goes under the bed, Riley goes in the cupboard and I go with Riley.

To Be Continued...


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