Don't look now Personal responce

Book Name: Don't look now
Genre: Humor
Author: Paul Jennings
Age reading:  5 - 14
Star rating: 5/5
There is this kid and he is a dork people say. But one day he wanted to change that because he could fly, But only when people were not looking at him. He could fly sky high or a few centimeters off the ground. He really wants people to see him fly but it just can't happen because that is how it is.He tells his dad one night and then his dad said to close his eyes and when he opened his eyes his dad was all the way at the top of a building waving. So now there are only 2 people in the world that can fly but no one can see them, Even animals can't see him fly.
Read the book to find out more.


  1. Thought I'd commented on this, thought it sounds like an interesting book, Dad


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