Mainstars Interview someone over the age of 70

I interviewed my Granny in Sout Arfica by email and this is what she said...

How has technology changed over the years: In leaps and bounds. We had an old farm line telephone.  Ten people on one line. Each person had their own ring ie 1 short 2 long, or three short.  We also had the nosey people who used to pick up even when the call was not for them and they used to listen in to other peoples conversations).


What was the first bit of technology you knew about: The radio


Did you like the old technology: Old technology was good in some ways as people used to communicate and spend more time with each other.  Cellphones and computers are great but they consume peoples life’s


How did you comunicate with the world when you were a kid: Wrote letters


Do you still have some old technology: Not that I can think of


  1. Hi Byron. I even remember those days, Byron! Even though I am younger than gran. You would turn the handle and wait for, "Nommer asseblief". Remember the old red telephone in the lounge you and your brother use to play with in S.A. An upgrade of the one gran is speaking about. Love godparent.

  2. Ye i remember a lot of those things a lot of things that you wouldn't know about, record players, music tapes, no mobile phones listning to the radio at night as the TV broadcasts had finished etc Dad


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